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İngilizce Yıldırım Yayınları Yes You Can A1.1 Ders Kitabı Cevapları

İngilizce Yıldırım Yayınları Yes You Can A1.1 Ders Kitabı Sayfa 33 Cevabı

İngilizce Yıldırım Yayınları Yes You Can A1.1 Ders Kitabı Sayfa 33 Cevabı

2017 – 2018 Eğitim Öğretim dönemiyle beraber pek çok ders ve çalışma kitabı değişti. Değişen ders kitaplarından biri de “İngilizce Yıldırım Yayınları Yes You Can A1.1 Ders Kitabı Cevapları” oldu. Kitabı incelediğimizde ise Pınar ÖZMEN ve Dr. Nejla GEZMİŞ CEYHAN tarafından 93 sayfa olarak kaleme alındığını görüyoruz. Kitapta görseller ön plana çıkarılmış ve görsel tasarım ise Serhan AVCI tarafından yapılmış.

İngilizce Yıldırım Yayınları Yes You Can A1.1 Student’s Book Sayfa 33 Cevapları“nda önce sorular yazıldı daha sonra cevaplar verildi.


Listen and follow the speakers. Pay attention to their pronunciatian and fiil in the blanks with the words you hear.
good / sick / interested / Friday / movies / homework
Robert: Hello. I am Robert. There is a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer in my club. The task of our club is to organize school activities and events. We’re usually (1) in dance
and excursions. Our meeting day is on Wednesdays.
Maria: My name is Maria. The meeting day of my club is on Mondays after school. The task of our club is to do (2)
Lucia: I am Lucia. There are a lot of activities such as watching (3) , going on trips. Our task is to
do several activities with our favorite language. My favorite language is Spanish.
Mark: Hi, I am Mark. I am (4) at playing the violin. Our main activities are performing in school
events on special days. Our meeting days are on Saturdays and Thursdays.
Peter: My name is Peter. The main activities in our club are picking up trash at the beach or visiting (5) people in hospitals. We are interested in community activities. We are helpftd to ali
people. The meeting is always on Sundays.
Kevin: Hi. I am Kevin. Our main activity is to organize the yearbook of the school. We’re interested in ali the events in the school, so there is a meeting in our club every (6)
1 „ Listen and follow up the speakers again. Match the club names with the names of the people in activitiy İB.
1) Homework Club
2) Music Club
4) Yearbook Club
5) Spanish Club
3) Community Service Club
6) Student Government Club
Work in groups. Look at the school clubs in activity İC. Ask the questions to each other and answer thern. Compare them with the clubs in your country.
1) What are the names of the school clubs in your school?
2) Are there any similar clubs as in activity İC in your school?
3) What are the main activities of the clubs in your school?
2A Look at the chart below. Take notes and complete “Your club”part
Your club
Your partner’s club
Name of the club
Name of the teacher
Opinion about the teacher
Number of the students in the club
Meeting day(s) of the clubs
Activities in the club
Opinion about the club
2 jg Work in pairs. Ask questions to your partner and take notes about his/her answers in “Your partner ’s club” column.
2£ Compare your club with your partner’s club. Use the information in the chart in activity 2A and yvrite a paragraph.

İngilizce Yıldırım Yayınları Yes You Can A1.1 Ders Kitabı Sayfa 33 Cevabı

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