11. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 61 Cevabı

“11. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 61 Cevapları” ulaşabilmek ve dersinizi kolayca yapabilmek için aşağıdaki yayınımızı mutlaka inceleyiniz.
11. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 61 Cevabı
Read the text quickly and choose the correct option.
a) Some students visit Rome as a part of youth project.
b) Three friends go to Rome to visit one of theirs.
c) Three friends have a city break in Rome.
A ReadParadise, Rome’
We are in Rome at last. Natalie, Arla and I are resting in our comfortable hotel room. Everything looks gorgeous and everywhere is full of relics from the world culture. It is such a gorgeous city that on the way to the hotel I couldnt take my from historical buildings, monuments and streets.
7 September
y eyes
Today was the day to explore the places everyone wants to see in their lifetime. First we visited Colosseum which was just in the centre of the city. And then we went to make a wish at Trevi Fountain. I have never seen such an amazing place before. The Panteon and St Peter’s were the destinations which affected me so much as well. At the end of the day we rewarded ourselves with tasty pasta and pizza at Pizzeria Loffredo. 8 September
Finally, we could have a chance to go off the beaten track and visit a cat cafe. In the morning we walked to the Romeow Cat Cafe, which is quite a trendy cafe in the old city. We were really surprlsed and satlsfled to see cats whlch occupy every empty space and shelf. The place was so peaceful and raw vegan cakes were so delicious that we didnt want to leave. Afternoon was the time when we felt the luckiest because we saw a place which is usually visited by locals, ‘House of the Owls’. It is not in a guide book or a travel blog so it was a great pleasure to walk in and out of the great house.
10 September
The day started wlth the rush to the streets as it was the flrst day of the festival ‘Notte Bianca’. We three couldnt sleep just to see the shows and celebrations. The best thlng streets whlch were closed to the trafflc so we could walk freely wlthout
the fear of crazy trafflc on narrow roads. The only problem was trylng to declde to go whetker shopping or visiting galleries and cultural centres.
9 SeptemAr
We are back at our famlllar and peaceful hotel after a magniflcent clty break. We are tired but happy and looking forward to the next chance to discover a city.
[5) Read the text. Write the names of the places and the event under the correct heading.
Historical Places
Restaurant and Cafes
Read the text again and write true ( T ) or false ( F ).
n 1. Rome is not only a historical city but also a real tourist attraction with different activities. n 2. There are very few places to see in a lifetime. n 3. The blog writer was really affected by the historical places. n 4. Streets were closed to traffic thanks to the festival Notte Bianca. n 5. They liked the cats at Romeow Cat Cafe but the food was terrible. n 6. They visited the House of the Owls which they saw on a guide book.
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