6. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı
6. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 42 Cevabı
6. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 42 Cevabı
A.Answer the questions in the questionnaire. Note your answers.
- You hear a strange noise outside at night. Do you…
look out of the window to see what it is?
hide under the bed covers?
- You must make a presentation to your class. How do you feel?
Fine. I don’t mind speaking to my class.
Horrible. I feel very nervous.
- A friend wants to go on a tali and fast roller coaster with you. Do you…
say yes, because roller coasters are amazing?
say no, because roller coasters are terrifying?
4.What do you think about ghost trains?
I think they are crazy.
I think they are horrible.
- A friend offers to take you to a scout camp in the vvoods. Do you…
say yes, because it’s fantastic?
say no, because woods are frightening at nights?
B.Work in pairs. Ask the questions to your friend and note his/her answers. Use a red pencil.
C.Now, look at your answers and count the a’s and b’s.
If there are more a’s, you are fearless.
If there are more b’s, you are fearful.
2025 Ders Kitabı Cevapları