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7. Sınıf Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Öğrenci Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları

7. Sınıf SDR Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Öğrenci Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 145 Cevabı

7. Sınıf SDR Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Öğrenci Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 145 Cevabı

2018 – 2019 Eğitim Öğretim yılıyla birlikte pek çok ders ve çalışma kitabı değişti. Değişen kitaplardan biri de “7. Sınıf SDR Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Öğrenci Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları” oldu. Kitabı incelediğimizde ise Güler ŞİLİT tarafından 177 sayfa olarak kaleme alındığını görüyoruz. Kitapta görseller ön plana çıkarılmış ve görsel tasarım ise Behiye Renin GÜNDÜZ tarafından yapılmış.

7. Sınıf SDR Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Öğrenci Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 145 Cevabı” ise önce sorular yazıldı daha sonra kitabın üzerinde çözülerek gösterildi. Önce sorular hemen ardından ise cevaplar mevcuttur.


Read the text and complete the facts about Pluto using the given words.
Pluto: the smallest, coldest, loneliest planet in our Solar System
There are nine planets in our Solar System. Some of them are large, like Jüpiter or Saturn. Others are medium-sized, like our own Earth. And one planet is the smallest planet: Pluto. Here are some interesting facts about this lonely little planet of our Solar System.
How Far Away is Pluto?
Pluto is very far away. Pluto is so far away that scientists can only see it with telescopes – we didn’t even find it until 1930! But later, some scientists reclassified it as a dwarf planet in 2006. It takes 600 years to reach Pluto with our fastest spaceships.
What is Pluto Like?
Pluto is small, cold, and there is no life. It is a giant ball of ice and rock. It’s so far from the Sun that Sun’s heat doesn’t reach it. The surface of Pluto is made of ice, and the surface temperature is below -350 degrees Fahrenheit! That’s cold! Pluto is also dark. Because it is so far from the Sun, it does not get all the light that we get here on Earth. Even during the day, the sky of Pluto is as dark as night time on the Earth. From Pluto’s surface, the Sun looks like a very bright star.
Can We Live on Pluto?
It is unlikely that we will live there. Because of its size, Pluto has very low gravity and a very thin atmosphere. The atmosphere is full of nitrogen and carbon monoxide gasses, so humans cannot breathe. We can’t live on Pluto because there is no oxygen.
In addition, Pluto is so cold that we would need amazingly powerful heaters. Even Pluto’s warmest days are almost three times colder than the coldest days on Earth!

I’m the…….furtfatf……….planet from the Sun. I’m the……………………………planet in the Solar System.
I’m also very…………………………..from the Earth. It takes……………………………years to reach me. You can’t
live on me because I’m full of…………………………..and………………………………You need……………………….to
live. I’m also very…………………………………..The Sun is like a bright star during the day. I’m also very
………………………….Your coldest days are…………………………….than me! There are a lot of………………………….
on me and my surface is completely…………………………….That’s why you call me a giant ball of ice. You
didn’t………………………… until 1930.

7. Sınıf SDR Dikey Yayıncılık İngilizce Öğrenci Çalışma Kitabı Sayfa 145 Cevabı

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