8. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 53 Cevabı

8. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 53 Cevabı
sayfa 53
1.Check (√) the adjectives to match the sports given in the box.
Challenging dangerous fascinating boring entertaining easy
bungee jumping
parachute diving
motor racing
2.Study the sentences in the box.
Making comparisons:
I think skateboarding is easier than parachute diving.
I think rafting is harder than canoeing.
I think bungee jumping is more dangerous and challenging than kayaking.
I think skateboarding is more entertaining than kayaking.
I think kayaking is less challenging than motor racing.
I think canoeing is less dangerous than parachute diving.
3.What do you think about extreme sports? Make comparisons and share your ideas with your classmates.
Student A: I think skateboarding is easier and more entertaining than kayaking. What do you think? Student B: That’s right. And I think motor racing is more dangerous and challenging than skateboarding.
Student C: I think parachute diving is more fascinating and entertaining than bungee jumping.