Kitap Cevapları TIKLA
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3. Sınıf İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı

3. Sınıf İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 7. Ünite Cevapları

“3. Sınıf İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları 7. Ünite Meb Yayınları” ulaşabilmek ve dersinizi kolayca yapabilmek için aşağıdaki yayınımızı mutlaka inceleyiniz.

3. Sınıf İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 7. Ünite Cevapları

3. Sınıf İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları 7. Ünite Sayfa 138

1. Read the sentence and answer the question. Candy is watching animals and she is giving bananas to monkeys. Where is Candy?

A) At the post office.
B) At the cinema.
C) At the museum.
D) At the zoo.

  • Cevap: D

2. Read the text and choose the correct one. 

It’s a nice day. Tom and his friends are in the city. Tom is at the museum. Bili is at the library. Bonnie is at school. Henry is at the cafe and Jenny is at the bank.

  • Cevap: A

3. Read and find the correct answer.

My pet cat is hungry. I haven’t got any cat food at home. I’m here to buy cat food. Where am I now?

A) You are in the library.
B) You are at the zoo.
C) You are in the pet shop.
D) You are at the museum.

  • Cevap: C

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4. Look at the picture and circle the correct option.

A) school
B) zoo
C) cafe
D) market

  • Cevap: B

5. Read the speech bubble and look at the picture. Circle the correct option.

A) library
C) zoo
B) hospital
D) fire station

  • Cevap: A

6. Read and complete the dialogue.

Rose : Excuse me! Where is the hospital? April :——.

A) Dan is at home
B) I’m sorry, I don’t know that
C) You can see a farmer there
D) Tim is at the hospital

  • Cevap: B

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7. Match the pictures with the names of the buildings.

  • Cevap: 1- j 2- a 3- f 4- e 5- d 6- g 7- b 8- c 9- h 10- i

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8. Find the words in the box and do the puzzle.


  • Cevap: 

9. Read the sentences and colour the roads.

  • Cevap: 

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10. Fiil in the blanks with the words in the box.

  • Cevap: 

11. Unscramble the words and make correct sentences.

1- is / where / the / museum

  • Cevap: Where is the museum?

2- center / is / at / the / Selena / shopping

  • Cevap: Selena is at the shopping center.

3- at / the children / are / the park

  • Cevap: The children are at the park.

4- market / me /, / where / is / excuse / the

  • Cevap: Excuse me, where is the market?

5- the / is / restaurant / over / there

  • Cevap: The restaurant is over there.

6- now / is / Lisa / London / in

  • Cevap: Lisa is in London now.

7- library / Derek / at / the / is

  • Cevap: Is Derek at the library?

8- Susan / is / in / village / the

  • Cevap: Susan is in the village.

9- cafe / can / drink / we / at / the / tea

  • Cevap: We can drink tea at the cafe.

10- cinema / school / the / behind / the / is

  • Cevap: The school is behind the cinema. / The cinema is behind the school.

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12. Read the sentences and do the crossword puzzle.

1- You can read a book here.
2- You can swing here.
4- You can see a doctor here.
5- You can drink coffee here.
7- You can learn English here.
10- You can watch films here.
3- You can do shopping here.
6- You can eat food here.
8- You can see monkeys here.
9- You can see cows here.

  • Cevap: 

13. Circle the odd word.

  • Cevap: 

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14. Unscramble the words and write them.

  • Cevap: 

15. Read the text and answer the questions.

Hello! My name is Lucy. This is my family photo. I’m eleven years old. I’m a student. I’m at the school now. This is my sister, Martha. She likes reading. She is at the library now. She has got many books. This is my brother, Jack. He is at the park now. He has got a kite. He likes flying a kite. This is my mother, Mary. She is at the shopping center now and she likes shopping. This is my father, Brad. He is very hungry and he is in the restaurant now. I love my family.

1- How old is Lucy?

  • Cevap: She (Lucy) is eleven (11).

2- Where is Lucy now?

  • Cevap: She (Lucy) is at the school.

3- Where is Martha now?

  • Cevap: She (Martha) is at the library.

4- Who is Jack?

  • Cevap: Jack (He) is Lucy’s brother.

5- Where is Brad now?

  • Cevap: He (Brad) is in the restaurant.

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16. Look at the pictures, read the sentences and tick the correct one.

  • Cevap: 

17. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

  • Cevap: 

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18. Match the puzzles and write the correct words.

  • Cevap: 2- village 3- hospital 4- mosque 5- cinema 6- school 7- town 8- museum 9- bank 10- city

19. Order the words and make correct sentences.

  • Cevap: 1- Where is the hospital? 2- Sorry. I don’t know. / I don’t know, sorry. 3- Bulem is at the cinema. 4- Look! It’s over there.

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20. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Where is Aslı now?

  • Cevap: She is at the hospital.

Where is İpek now?

  • Cevap: She is at the restaurant.

Where is Yusuf now?

  • Cevap: He is at the school.

Where is Mine now?

  • Cevap: She is at the park.

Where is Altay now?

  • Cevap: He is at the zoo.

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21. Look at the table and complete the dialogue.

  • Cevap: 1- It is in İstanbul 2- It is in Çanakkale 3- Where is Cappadocia

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22. Reorder the conversations.

  • Cevap: 

3. Sınıf İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları 7. Ünite Sayfa 150

23. Use the words in the box and fill in the blanks. There are three extras.

  • Cevap: 

24. Look at the wheels and write the words.

  • Cevap: 

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25. Ask and answer questions as in the example.

  • Cevap: 

3. Sınıf Çalışma Kitabı İngilizce 7. Ünite Cevapları Meb Yayınları ile ilgili aşağıda bulunan emojileri kullanarak duygularınızı belirtebilir aynı zamanda sosyal medyada paylaşarak bizlere katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.

2025 Ders Kitabı Cevapları

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