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5. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Test

5. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 1. Ünite Cevapları

“5. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 1. Ünite Cevapları” ulaşabilmek ve dersinizi kolayca yapabilmek için aşağıdaki yayınımızı mutlaka inceleyiniz.

5. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 1. Ünite Cevapları

5. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 214 Cevapları

1. What does NOT Garry tell about himself?

A) Languages
B) Nationality
C) Hobbies
D) Age

  • Cevap: C

2. Which of the following does NOT complete the conversation?

A) How old are you
B) Where are you from
C) What’s your favourite class
D) How many languages do you speak

  • Cevap: A

5. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 215 Cevapları

3. Who is Michelle’s friend?

A) Susan
B) Emma
C) Emily
D) Laura

  • Cevap: C

4. Who enjoys doing experiments according to the table?

A) Michella
B) Emma
C) Emily
D) Laura

  • Cevap: D

5. In which conversation above does Tom meet Mary?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

  • Cevap: C

5. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 216 Cevapları

6. Which of the following does NOT complete the conversation?

A) Glad to meet you
B) I’m very well
C) My pleasure
D) Nice to meet you, too.

  • Cevap: B

7. According to the conversation,—.

A) Philip is English
B) Blake is Canadian
C) Blake is from Canada
D) Philip is from Australia

  • Cevap: D

8. Read the conversation and complete the sentence. Pablo – –

A) speaks a foreign language
B) likes learning Spanish
C) is from England
D) is English

  • Cevap: A

5. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 217 Cevapları

9. According to the text, Helga…

A) speaks foreign languages
B) lives in England
C) hates history
D) is English

  • Cevap: A

10. In Mr. Susanne’s class, students prepare posters about their favourite lessons. Leo : I love science, but I dislike music and geography.
Tim : Music, P.E. and maths are my favourite.
Sue : I enjoy music, science and P.E.
Neil : I like geography and science, but I dislike music.
Who prepares the poster above?

A) Leo
B) Tim
C) Sue
D) Neil

  • Cevap: C

5. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 218 Cevapları

11. Which of the following does NOT complete the conversation?

A) How many languages do you speak
B) Do you like Germany
C) What is your name
D) How old are you

  • Cevap: B

I. Eight
II. Italian
III. 2.2.2011
IV. Mark Frank
Which of the following is ODD?

A) I

  • Cevap: A

5. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 219 Cevapları

13.—loves science and helps her teacher in the science lab.

A) Amy
B) Mary
C) Larissa
D) Susanne

  • Cevap: C

14. 14. How many lessons does Tim have on Tuesday?

A) Just two; Turkish and Science.
B) He likes doing experiments.
C) Only Turkish.
D) Seven.

  • Cevap: A

5. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 220 Cevapları

Sally : I love—.
Tim : Me, too.

A) art
B) music
C) maths
D) geography

  • Cevap: D

16. According to Garcia’s timetable which one is NOT correct? She has—.

A) art on Wednesday
B) social studies on Monday
C) P.E. on Monday and Tuesday
D) English on Monday and Tuesday

  • Cevap: C

5. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 221 Cevapları

17. Mrs. Colin teaches English. On the first day of the school, she always plays games with her students. They greet each other and ask some questions. Here are answers. Check the table below. Which of the following does NOT complete the game?

A) How many languages do you speak?
B) What is your favorite lesson?
C) What nationality are you?
D) Where are you from?

  • Cevap: C

18. Which of the following is NOT correct?

A) He dislikes music.
B) He loves doing sports.
C) He enjoys doing experiments.
D) He really loves drawing pictures.

  • Cevap: D

5. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 222 Cevapları

19. Which question does NOT have an answer according to the card above?

A) How many languages can she speak?
B) What are her favourite hobbies?
C) What’s her name?
D) How old is she?

  • Cevap: A

20. Which of the following completes the sentence according to the card? Carol—.

A) is nineteen
B) likes cycling
C) speaks German
D) hates playing chess

  • Cevap: C

5. Sınıf İngilizce Meb Yayınları Beceri Temelli Testler 1. Ünite Cevapları ile ilgili aşağıda bulunan emojileri kullanarak duygularınızı belirtebilir aynı zamanda sosyal medyada paylaşarak bizlere katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.

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