6. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 22 Cevabı

6. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 22 Cevabı
A.I magine you are going on a picnic. Make a list of the food and drink items you would like to have.
B.Work in small groups. Look at your list above, ask and answer questions and decide on the food and drink items to take for the picnic.
Student A: I like bagels. Shall we take bagels?
Student B: Yes, I like bagels, too.
Student C: Yummy! It’s my favourite. Let’s take lots of bagels.
Student B: Do you like beans?
Student C: Excuse me?
Student B: Beans. Do you like beans?
Student C: Yuk! I don’t like beans at ali.
Student A: Well, I don’t mind. We can take some beans, too.
Work in groups and create an imaginary creature. Decide the food items the creature likes and doesn’t like. Then, draw a picture of it and the food items it eats and label them.
Follow these steps:
Come together with your group members.
Take a large piece of cardboard.
Create an imaginary creature.
Decide and make a list of the food items your creature likes and doesn’t like.
Draw the food items it likes on the cardboard.
Label the food items on the cardboard.
Show your picture to your classmates and talk about your creature’s food preferences.