6. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 78 Cevabı

6. Sınıf Evrensel İletişim Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı Sayfa 78 Cevabı
A.Work in small groups. Make a list of the environmental problems in your area
EXAMPLE: air pollition
SOLİTİONS: Not use family car, use public -transporfaliog cycle or walk sfıor+ dis+ances
B.Read the problems in your list to your classmates and ask for Solutions. Note down their suggestions above.
Student A: Air pollution is a big problem in our area. What should we do?
Student B: We shouldn’t use our family car too often.
Student C: We can use public transportation.
Student D: We can cycle or walk short distances.
C.Choose one of the environmental problems in your area and make a short presentation on the problem and the Solutions. Look at the example.
Air pollution is a big problem in our area. We should reduce pollution. We shouldn’t use our family car too often. We can use public transportation. We can cycle or walk short distances.
Work in groups. Prepare slogans/notes/posters about saving energy at school and hang them on the vvalls.
Follow these steps:
Come together with your group members.
Discuss and make a list of the things to do to save energy at school.
Create an attractive slogan or note for each item in your list.
Write them on seperate pieces of cardboard. You can draw pictures or stick photos, too.
Hang them on the walls of your school.