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7. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Test

7. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 10. Ünite Cevapları

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7. Sınıf İngilizce Beceri Temelli Testler 10. Ünite Cevapları

7. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 224 Cevapları

1. Janet had a trip to space and discovered unknown planets there. She gave them her favourite teachers’ names: David, Helen, Mark and Alice. She took a photo of them and sent it to the people on the Earth. Here is some information about the photo:
• David is the smallest planet of all.
• Alice is larger than David and between Helen and Mark.
• Helen is the largest planet and comes first.
Which of the following photos did Janet send to the Earth?

  • Cevap: D

2. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the table?

A) Mars is the closest planet to the sun.
B) Uranus is larger than Mars.
C) Venus is further to the sun than Uranus.
D) Venus is smaller than Mars.

  • Cevap: B

7. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 225 Cevapları

I. surface of the sun
II. temperature of Mars
III. distance to the sun
IV. the other name of Mars
Which of the following is related to the text above?

A) I and II.
B) I, II, III.
D) I, II, III, IV.

  • Cevap: C

4. 84 scientists in Nasa are planning a trip to Mars in 2030s. Cem Meydan is one of those scientists. They are researching how this trip will affect human body. Henry is a 7th grade student and has prepared some questions and is going to interview Cem Meydan about this trip. Which of the following is NOT a suitable question for Henry’s interview?

A) Can human body adapt to nature easily?
B) What are the reasons for going to Mars?
C) Is Mars habitable for people?
D) How long is the trip going to last?

  • Cevap: A

5. Which of the following completes the conversation?

A) Can people live in Pluto?
C) What do you know about Pluto?
B) Is Pluto bigger than the Earth?
D) How many hours does a day last in Pluto?

  • Cevap: C

7. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 226 Cevapları

6. According to the picture above, which of the following is NOT correct?

A) There are nine planets in the solar system.
B) There is only one planet larger than Saturn.
C) Mars is smaller than Venus and Jüpiter.
D) The Earth is closer to the sun than Uranus and Saturn.

  • Cevap: A

7. Yuri Gagarin was born near Moscow, Russia on 9 March 1934. He imagined being an astronomer. He became the first human in space. His spacecraft’s name was Vostok 1. Vostok 1 circled the Earth at a speed of 27, 400 km per hour. The flight lasted 108 minutes. In the text, there is NO information about—.

A) the place he was born
B) the name and the speed of his spacecraft
C) the time he went to space
D) his dreams and career

  • Cevap: C

7. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 227 Cevapları

8. Which of the following is CORRECT according to the results?

A) Julia gets more points than Alex.
B) Julia gets 5 points at the end.
C) Alex gets 6 points at the end.
D) Alex has the same point with Julia.

  • Cevap: A

9. The table shows some information about Dwarf Planets. According to the table, which of the following is CORRECT?

A) Makemake is hotter than the other planets.
B) Pluto is the coldest planet among all the planets.
C) Astronomers discovered Pluto earlier than the other planets.
D) Scientists discovered Eris and Makemake in the same year.

  • Cevap: D

7. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 228 Cevapları

10. Lisa wanted David to put the names of five planets in order according to their places in the solar system but he made some mistakes. According to his answer: According to the information above, which of the followmg is David’s answer?

A) Neptune – Venus – Mars – Earth – Saturn
B) Venus – Earth – Mars – Neptune – Saturn
C) Earth – Venus – Mars – Saturn – Neptune
D) Mars – Earth – Neptune – Saturn – Venus

  • Cevap: B

11. There are 8 planets in our solar system.These planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Jupiter is the largest planet. Mercury is the smallest and the nearest planet to the sun. Mercury and Venus haven’t got any satellites. Which of the following does NOT have an answer in the text?

A) Which planet is the closest to the sun?
B) When did astronomers discover the planets?
C) How many planets are there in our solar system?
D) What are the planet names in the solar system?

  • Cevap: B

12. Which of the following does NOT have an answer in the text?

A) How many planets were there in Ellie’s dream?
B) Why did people call it as “Cheerful Planet”?
C) Which lesson did Ellie have yesterday?
D) Who was living on Cheerful Planet?

  • Cevap: D

7. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 229 Cevapları

13. The visual below shows the average temperature of the planets in the solar system. According to the information above, how many of the sentences in the box are CORRECT?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

  • Cevap: C

7. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 230 Cevapları

14. According to the table above, which of the following is NOT correct?

A) Jüpiter is larger than Venus and Uranus.
B) Venus is the hottest of all.
C) Uranus is colder than Venus.
D) Neptune is the largest planet.

  • Cevap: D

15. Which of the following completes the conversation?

A) the gravity of a planet
B) living things in a planet
C) suitable for people to live
D) the temperature of a planet

  • Cevap: C

7. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 231 Cevapları

16. Which question does NOT have an answer in the text?

A) When did people see Halley’s Comet for the first time?
B) When did scientists study Halley’s Comet’s nucleus?
C) How did the scientists look into Halley’s Comet?
D) How often can people see Halley’s Comet?

  • Cevap: A

17. According to the text, which of the foMowing is CORRECT?

A) We can see Halley’s Comet every 76 years.
B) People saw Halley’s Comet for the first time 100 years ago.
C) Halley’s Comet was an unknown star before 1986.
D) Halley’s Comet is made of only rocks.

  • Cevap: A

18. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

A) How was a comet born?
B) The most famous comet
C) How can you see a comet?
D) The biggest planet in universe

  • Cevap: B

7. Sınıf Beceri Temelli Testler Kitabı Sayfa 232 Cevapları

19. According to the table, which planet is giving information about itself?

A) Mars
B) Venus
C) Earth
D) Mercury

  • Cevap: B

20. According to the information above, which of the following is NOT correct?

A) Mars is farther to the sun than Venus and Mercury.
B) Mercury’s orbital period is the shortest one.
C) Venus and Mercury are smaller than the Earth.
D) Mars is larger than Venus and the Earth.

  • Cevap: D

7. Sınıf İngilizce Meb Yayınları Beceri Temelli Testler 10. Ünite Cevapları ile ilgili aşağıda bulunan emojileri kullanarak duygularınızı belirtebilir aynı zamanda sosyal medyada paylaşarak bizlere katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.

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